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Open House November 2, 2024 & January 25, 2025
Campbell Campus (24 months - kindergarten) 9am - 11am
Hamilton Campus (elementary - middle school) 10am - 12pm

Preschool - open year round
Elementary & Middle School - accepting applications

Mandarin Immersion Program

Mandarin Immersion Program

At the Springbridge Mandarin Immersion Program, we have worked hard to create an active and engaging learning environment.  Our highly trained and specialized teachers are devoted to helping each student master the curriculum.
Teaching: Two-Way Dual Mandarin Immersion Program
Our model succeeds by enrolling children with backgrounds in both languages, and giving them the opportunity to help each other learn. English speakers help other students learn English, while Mandarin speakers help non-Mandarin speaking students learn Mandarin.
Two-way immersion enables students to maintain their first language while acquiring a second language. Students learn all of their traditional subjects – math, science, social studies, history – in both languages. This enables them to be fully functioning in each language.
All Springbridge Mandarin program students are expected to meet or exceed academic content standards and performance standards in English. In addition, the students are expected to develop bicultural competence while becoming bilingual and biliterate. Teachers use language acquisition techniques and a vast repertoire of instructional strategies as they cover the curriculum. Opportunities to speak, listen, read, and write are provided throughout the school day in order to facilitate language development in both English and Mandarin.
Instruction Time - Mandarin/English
Because English is prevalent in our society, all kids will have an easier time learning and maintaining English over time. So initially, we emphasize instruction in Mandarin. Over the course of elementary, the proportion of Mandarin to English instruction becomes more balanced.
Preschool: 80% / 20%
PreKindergarten and Kindergarten: 70% / 30%
1st and 2nd Grades: 60% / 40%
3rd and 4th Grades: 50% / 50%
5th Grades and up: 40% / 60%

Language Ability

Preschool through Kindergarten language ability:  To achieve our two-way dual immersion model, Springbridge strives Mandarin and non-Mandarin speakers in each entering Preschool through Kindergarten class. Students may enter Preschool or Kindergarten at Springbridge with no previous Mandarin exposure or any level of Mandarin proficiency. Entering students who are proficient in Mandarin should indicate this on the application form so that they can be scheduled for a Mandarin Language Review. All students (Mandarin and non-Mandarin speakers) in the entering Preschool through Kindergarten class learn together in the same classroom and get the benefits of the dual immersion model.
First, Second, Third, Fourth Grade language ability:  Students entering above the Kindergarten level will need to have a level of Mandarin proficiency similar to the class they are entering.  Before students can be offered a slot in a grade above kindergarten they are assessed for their level of Mandarin proficiency.
Goals of the program 

  • To attain high levels of fluency in communication, reading, and writing in two languages 
  • To meet grade level state content standards as per district and state requirements
  • To develop positive self-esteem through an understanding and appreciation of other cultures 

Mandarin Language Arts

  • More listening and speaking
  • Learning Mandarin related to daily life
  • Followed by practicing, reviewing and practicing
  • Enjoy learning Mandarin

1. Preschool: Age 3-4. No required Mandarin background

  • Learn Mandarin through playing and singing
  • Conversation, Games and Stories
  • Textbook: My First Chinese Words

2. Prekindergarten:Age 4-5. No required Mandarin background

Focus on listening and speaking, recognizing basic Mandarin words and simple sentences through pictures, games, stories and very simple Chinese characters. Students will learn vocabulary through pictures, listening and repeating. The vocabulary includes colors, fruits, family members, animals, body parts, common objects, numbers,simple adjectives, and common verbs. They will also learn greetings in class.

  • Tones Practices, Conversation, Games and Stories
  • Textbook: My First Chinese words, 小康軒

3. Kindergarten:Age 5-6. Finished PreK Mandarin Program

  • Listening Comprehension: start to learn simple sentences based on vocabulary learned in PreK
  • Speaking:  basic daily communication
  • Reading: short sentences with Zhuyin.  Recognize 80 Chinese word/vocabulary
  • Writing: Focus on correct stroke of writing Chinese characters.  Use Zhuyin Fuhao to write short sentences.
  • Chinese Culture, Tones Practices, Conversation, Games, Stories, Songs and Words
  • Textbook: Tailor-made teaching material, 小康軒

4. Elementary School
Review Chinese phonics (pronunciation and writing) with some vocabulary learned in Kindergarten level. And then focus on the most basic words and concepts such as numbers, classifiers, senses and body parts. Students learn about the pictorial graphic origin of Chinese characters and Chinese culture covering the likes of Spring Festival and the twelve zodiac signs. Through songs, poems, tongue twisters and riddles, students learn to express each month, locations, and make self-introduction to new friends. It is for sure to emphasize listening, speaking, and also include reading and writing.

  • Chinese Culture, Tones Practices, Conversation, Games, Stories, Songs, Words, Reading and Writing
  • Textbook: Mandarin Language Arts from Khan Hsuan Publishing Group

Mandarin Math
Through learning mathematics, students improve their logical concept development, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. The new math teaching methods will be specifically by operating, the image, and the teaching methods of abstraction to construct spiral development in students' mathematics learning.
Mandarin Social Studies 
Undoubtedly, social studies is the kind of integrated and experiential learning activities. Students are in school this small community, through diverse teaching activities with discussion, analyzation, critique thinking, reflection and observation capability to develop  their own consciousness.
Mandarin Art
Students through the creation of works of art to develop their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, and also understand the concept of art patterns, textures, color mixing, symmetrical and balanced.
Mandarin Music
Students will build up their creative sense of rhythm and musicality, and show confidence through public performances.

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