Why Family Time Matters

All too often, children and parents arrive home from school and work, exhausted from long hours of work and extra math and/or language classes. Carpools and pickups add to the hustle and bustle with family members arriving at different times and with different needs. Dinners may be rushed or even eaten in shifts. Tempers may be short and the weekend, perhaps only one day for family, still a few days way.
Elite college admission’s criteria have expanded beyond pure academic excellence to include additional criteria such as diversity of interests and leadership skills.
Springbridge International School is specifically designed to provide more time for families to spend together sharing experiences and cultivating interests without compromising academics. Springbridge students experience that learning is fun and, as a result, learn to love learning. Our self-confident learners are eager to excel and follow their passions. Our strong character education program, comprehensive, integrated mathematics curriculum and unique linguistic environment frees students from the burden of weekend or late night math and/or language “cram” schools.
The benefits of family spending time together are vast. Numerous studies found that children that hike with their parents or spend time outdoors together on weekends score higher on tests than families that do not. Conversely, families that spend less time together often find their child less able to focus at school and possibly involved in risky, unhealthy behavior.
Family Facts, a Heritage Foundation Organization, recently compiled data from nine separate studies and concluded the following:
“Spending time as a family is a wise investment. Children with involved parents tend to fare better in school and are less likely to engage in risky behaviors.
- Spending time in everyday family leisure activities isassociated with greater emotional bonding within the family.
- Children’s academic success is associated with having mothers who frequently communicated with them.
- Children whose fathers spend time with them doing activities tend to have better academic performance.
- Adolescents whose parents are involved in their lives tend to exhibit fewer behavioral problems.
- Youths who communicate, do activities and have close relationships with their parents are less likely to engage in violence.
- Teens who frequently have dinner with their families are at a lower risk for substance abuse.
- Teens whose parents are home with them after school and in the evening are less likely to experience emotional distress.
Family Facts
Inadequate quality family time may have negative impacts on students’ academics, social interactions and behavior. Dean Lillard and Jennifer Gerner concluded in their study “Getting to the Ivy League: How Family Composition Affects College Choice,” that children from disrupted families acquire less education, which, unfortunately, shows up at every decision point for postsecondary education. Psychological strains resulting from disrupted families, reduces the ability of the child to concentrate in school and results in lower performance. The quality of college attendance is related to family composition.
A Wise Investment:
Benefits from Families Spending Time Together
Families that spend time together not only perform better in school, but are less likely to become involved in delinquent behavior and/or substance abuse.
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University concluded in it’s 10 year study “The Importance of Family Dinners” that families
that dine together five to seven times per week with low inter-family stress levels are 40% likelier to receive A’s and B’s and 47% less likely to abuse substances. Conversations at the dinner table allow for parents and children to bond and better understand what is happening in each other’s lives. Consequently, parents felt prouder of their children, who were more likely to confide in parents.

Why Family Time Matters

All too often, children and parents arrive home from school and work, exhausted from long hours of work and extra math and/or language classes. Carpools and pickups add to the hustle and bustle with family members arriving at different times and with different needs. Dinners may be rushed or even eaten in shifts. Tempers may be short and the weekend, perhaps only one day for family, still a few days way.
Elite college admission’s criteria have expanded beyond pure academic excellence to include additional criteria such as diversity of interests and leadership skills.
Springbridge International School is specifically designed to provide more time for families to spend together sharing experiences and cultivating interests without compromising academics. Springbridge students experience that learning is fun and, as a result, learn to love learning. Our self-confident learners are eager to excel and follow their passions. Our strong character education program, comprehensive, integrated mathematics curriculum and unique linguistic environment frees students from the burden of weekend or late night math and/or language “cram” schools.
The benefits of family spending time together are vast. Numerous studies found that children that hike with their parents or spend time outdoors together on weekends score higher on tests than families that do not. Conversely, families that spend less time together often find their child less able to focus at school and possibly involved in risky, unhealthy behavior.
Family Facts, a Heritage Foundation Organization, recently compiled data from nine separate studies and concluded the following:
“Spending time as a family is a wise investment. Children with involved parents tend to fare better in school and are less likely to engage in risky behaviors.
- Spending time in everyday family leisure activities isassociated with greater emotional bonding within the family.
- Children’s academic success is associated with having mothers who frequently communicated with them.
- Children whose fathers spend time with them doing activities tend to have better academic performance.
- Adolescents whose parents are involved in their lives tend to exhibit fewer behavioral problems.
- Youths who communicate, do activities and have close relationships with their parents are less likely to engage in violence.
- Teens who frequently have dinner with their families are at a lower risk for substance abuse.
- Teens whose parents are home with them after school and in the evening are less likely to experience emotional distress.
Family Facts
Inadequate quality family time may have negative impacts on students’ academics, social interactions and behavior. Dean Lillard and Jennifer Gerner concluded in their study “Getting to the Ivy League: How Family Composition Affects College Choice,” that children from disrupted families acquire less education, which, unfortunately, shows up at every decision point for postsecondary education. Psychological strains resulting from disrupted families, reduces the ability of the child to concentrate in school and results in lower performance. The quality of college attendance is related to family composition.
A Wise Investment:
Benefits from Families Spending Time Together
Families that spend time together not only perform better in school, but are less likely to become involved in delinquent behavior and/or substance abuse.
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University concluded in it’s 10 year study “The Importance of Family Dinners” that families
that dine together five to seven times per week with low inter-family stress levels are 40% likelier to receive A’s and B’s and 47% less likely to abuse substances. Conversations at the dinner table allow for parents and children to bond and better understand what is happening in each other’s lives. Consequently, parents felt prouder of their children, who were more likely to confide in parents.
Benefits of bilingualism
Because of advances in technology, our world has grown more interconnected over the past generation. Exposure to and interactions with other cultures is crucial for children’s development and a major advantage of living in the developed world. A phone call 20 years ago that may have required a trip to a telephone booth can now be done via a live video chat on a computer that fits in a shirt pocket. How do we prepare our children for professional and personal success in the evolving world?

We believe that success in the 21st century begins with the brain and its development through a series of educational milestones and methods. Modern research has shown that children who are regularly exposed to two or more languages have a distinct advantage over their peers, due to neural path formation and improved cognitive skills.
Dr. Ellen Bialystok, a cognitive neuroscientist, has uncovered that children exposed to two or more languages regularly develop unique neural and cognitive advantages. The benefits extend beyond language and show benefits in non-verbal areas as well, including the following:
- the ability to attend to important information and ignore less important information
- the ability to manage two unrelated tasks simultaneously (i.e. multitasking)
- the ability to concentrate
- the ability to complete nonverbal tasks more quickly than monolingual peers
- greater proficiency solving mental puzzles
- greater ability to focus and avoid distractions
- greater ability at skills not requiring inhibition
- heightened ability to monitor their environment using less brain activity
- quicker and more accurate adjustment to changing stimuli
- a delay in the onset of symptoms of dementia by four years compared to those who speak one language
Benefits of Early Immersion
Exposure to a second language, particularly in an immersion school
environment, increases the chances of full fluency and language mastery. “Why Bilinguals are Smarter”(New York Times)
Immersion duplicates the conditions through which, because of extended contact with a community of fluent speakers, children learn to “think” in each language naturally, without translating. This unique environment allows for the special wiring of the neural paths.

Springbridge International School’s unique curriculum and environment are carefully formulated to require high-level engagement and exercise of the executive control center. Children think naturally in both languages, allowing for the development of the bilingual brain and preparing them for professional and personal success.

Benefits of bilingualism
Because of advances in technology, our world has grown more interconnected over the past generation. Exposure to and interactions with other cultures is crucial for children’s development and a major advantage of living in the developed world. A phone call 20 years ago that may have required a trip to a telephone booth can now be done via a live video chat on a computer that fits in a shirt pocket. How do we prepare our children for professional and personal success in the evolving world?

We believe that success in the 21st century begins with the brain and its development through a series of educational milestones and methods. Modern research has shown that children who are regularly exposed to two or more languages have a distinct advantage over their peers, due to neural path formation and improved cognitive skills.
Dr. Ellen Bialystok, a cognitive neuroscientist, has uncovered that children exposed to two or more languages regularly develop unique neural and cognitive advantages. The benefits extend beyond language and show benefits in non-verbal areas as well, including the following:
- the ability to attend to important information and ignore less important information
- the ability to manage two unrelated tasks simultaneously (i.e. multitasking)
- the ability to concentrate
- the ability to complete nonverbal tasks more quickly than monolingual peers
- greater proficiency solving mental puzzles
- greater ability to focus and avoid distractions
- greater ability at skills not requiring inhibition
- heightened ability to monitor their environment using less brain activity
- quicker and more accurate adjustment to changing stimuli
- a delay in the onset of symptoms of dementia by four years compared to those who speak one language
Benefits of Early Immersion
Exposure to a second language, particularly in an immersion school
environment, increases the chances of full fluency and language mastery. “Why Bilinguals are Smarter”(New York Times)
Immersion duplicates the conditions through which, because of extended contact with a community of fluent speakers, children learn to “think” in each language naturally, without translating. This unique environment allows for the special wiring of the neural paths.

Springbridge International School’s unique curriculum and environment are carefully formulated to require high-level engagement and exercise of the executive control center. Children think naturally in both languages, allowing for the development of the bilingual brain and preparing them for professional and personal success.

Springbridge International School
Springbridge’s carefully integrated curriculum strives to achieve academic excellence on par with the top private schools in Silicon Valley as measured by standardized test scores. Motivated, capable students suited for our bilingual curriculum and multicultural environment are carefully selected. Our students are immersed in authentic Japanese, Chinese and American curricula and taught by native speakers during the course of the school day. Saturday and after school classes are not required, freeing time for family and personal pursuits.
How do we do it?
Our highly skilled and dedicated teachers create a safe and engaging learning environment. Carefully designed classrooms stimulate meaningful, student-centered learning. Strong bonds are established between students and teachers, who stay with kindergarteners through first grade.
Teachers cater lessons to accommodate individual learning styles, increasing the pace of learning and depth of understanding. Technology and multi-media further accelerate comprehension, addressing multiple learning styles efficiently. Higher order thought processes are engaged at an earlier age. Small class size provides ample opportunity for collaborative learning as well as leadership. Children learn to communicate, expressing and critiquing ideas from multiple perspectives in written and oral formats.
Theme-based units incorporate skills and content from both cultures and a variety of subjects including the arts, social and physical sciences as well as develop critical thinking, problem solving and time management skills. Experiential activities involve students, allowing for multi-sensory learning. Learning is fun.
Parents receive systematic, thorough communication in written and verbal form assessing areas of growth as well as weakness with specific plans of action addressing those areas. Behavioral and academic interventions are quickly and skillfully employed when appropriate. Daily communication is common in our closely-knit community. Teachers meet daily, collaborating and sharing years of experience while crafting project-based units as well as carefully addressing each student’s learning styles. Efficient and engaging activities to facilitate growth are the result. Veteran teachers closely monitor student stress levels, skillfully finding the right learning zone to maximize learning while cultivating the love of learning.
Springbridge families are diverse and committed to education and building a vibrant, harmonious community. Families play a tremendous role in shaping this unique and special school of friends growing together. We share numerous wonderful and unique cultures together.


Springbridge International School
Springbridge’s carefully integrated curriculum strives to achieve academic excellence on par with the top private schools in Silicon Valley as measured by standardized test scores. Motivated, capable students suited for our bilingual curriculum and multicultural environment are carefully selected. Our students are immersed in authentic Japanese, Chinese and American curricula and taught by native speakers during the course of the school day. Saturday and after school classes are not required, freeing time for family and personal pursuits.
How do we do it?
Our highly skilled and dedicated teachers create a safe and engaging learning environment. Carefully designed classrooms stimulate meaningful, student-centered learning. Strong bonds are established between students and teachers, who stay with kindergarteners through first grade.
Teachers cater lessons to accommodate individual learning styles, increasing the pace of learning and depth of understanding. Technology and multi-media further accelerate comprehension, addressing multiple learning styles efficiently. Higher order thought processes are engaged at an earlier age. Small class size provides ample opportunity for collaborative learning as well as leadership. Children learn to communicate, expressing and critiquing ideas from multiple perspectives in written and oral formats.
Theme-based units incorporate skills and content from both cultures and a variety of subjects including the arts, social and physical sciences as well as develop critical thinking, problem solving and time management skills. Experiential activities involve students, allowing for multi-sensory learning. Learning is fun.
Parents receive systematic, thorough communication in written and verbal form assessing areas of growth as well as weakness with specific plans of action addressing those areas. Behavioral and academic interventions are quickly and skillfully employed when appropriate. Daily communication is common in our closely-knit community. Teachers meet daily, collaborating and sharing years of experience while crafting project-based units as well as carefully addressing each student’s learning styles. Efficient and engaging activities to facilitate growth are the result. Veteran teachers closely monitor student stress levels, skillfully finding the right learning zone to maximize learning while cultivating the love of learning.
Springbridge families are diverse and committed to education and building a vibrant, harmonious community. Families play a tremendous role in shaping this unique and special school of friends growing together. We share numerous wonderful and unique cultures together.
Message from the Founders
Springbridge International School was formed by a mom and a dad who love their children very much. We are both professional teachers who have long dreamed of forming an international school that combines the very best educational pedagogies with authentic cultures from around the world. We are proud to introduce Springbridge International School.
Like many of you, we hold our children to high standards. Extra homework, Saturday and after school classes, missed baseball and soccer practices are not easy. Yet the rewards are well worth the sacrifices, including native fluency in spoken and written Japanese in addition to curious, open-minded students of the world.
With more than forty five years combined experience teaching and administering in three different countries including: international, immersion, language, Catholic, public and private in Japan, US and Singapore, we have come to realize what a school needs to prepare children for personal and academic success.
We have designed this school for our children, and yours, so that they may benefit from the rich traditions and cultures of Japan and the US, yet be prepared to adapt and excel in an ever-changing and increasingly global world.
We invite you to explore our website and visit our school to see if Springbridge could be the right match for your family. Please join us in providing the tools, understanding, love and work ethic that will help our students find happiness and success in life.
Robert and Tomoko Regan

Message from the Founders
Springbridge International School was formed by a mom and a dad who love their children very much. We are both professional teachers who have long dreamed of forming an international school that combines the very best educational pedagogies with authentic cultures from around the world. We are proud to introduce Springbridge International School.
Like many of you, we hold our children to high standards. Extra homework, Saturday and after school classes, missed baseball and soccer practices are not easy. Yet the rewards are well worth the sacrifices, including native fluency in spoken and written Japanese in addition to curious, open-minded students of the world.
With more than forty five years combined experience teaching and administering in three different countries including: international, immersion, language, Catholic, public and private in Japan, US and Singapore, we have come to realize what a school needs to prepare children for personal and academic success.
We have designed this school for our children, and yours, so that they may benefit from the rich traditions and cultures of Japan and the US, yet be prepared to adapt and excel in an ever-changing and increasingly global world.
We invite you to explore our website and visit our school to see if Springbridge could be the right match for your family. Please join us in providing the tools, understanding, love and work ethic that will help our students find happiness and success in life.
Robert and Tomoko Regan

Mission Statement
Our mission is to foster respect, integrity and self-discovery in a compassionate, multicultural environment.
Our graduates will be fluent in Japanese or Mandarin language and culture. They will write and speak well in English and possess strong mathematic skills in preparation for college preparatory high school. They will be practiced leaders when given the opportunity, and solid supporters and team players. They will derive confidence through independent exploration and excellence through pursuing a passion.
Core Values
Respect, Reason, Results, Reach
We encourage students to respect themselves, the environment and other cultures and traditions. Our students learn to look, listen, study and appreciate other systems and practices.
Reason and logic form the building blocks that shape our understanding of the world and our experiences with it. We encourage our students to reflect on past experiences and apply logic and reason when problem solving.
Results motivate us to exceed expectations and expand our horizons. We encourage our students to set realistic goals and establish a strong work ethic to meet their challenges.
Students reach to improve their minds, bodies and spirits. Students also reach out to others with a helping hand
To create an exemplary international community that nurtures each student’s full potential.
To achieve our vision, we will…
- measure success and review learning strategies
embody and encourage our Mission,
Vision and Core Values


Mission Statement
Our mission is to foster respect, integrity and self-discovery in a compassionate, multicultural environment.
Our graduates will be fluent in Japanese or Mandarin language and culture. They will write and speak well in English and possess strong mathematic skills in preparation for college preparatory high school. They will be practiced leaders when given the opportunity, and solid supporters and team players. They will derive confidence through independent exploration and excellence through pursuing a passion.
Core Values
Respect, Reason, Results, Reach
We encourage students to respect themselves, the environment and other cultures and traditions. Our students learn to look, listen, study and appreciate other systems and practices.
Reason and logic form the building blocks that shape our understanding of the world and our experiences with it. We encourage our students to reflect on past experiences and apply logic and reason when problem solving.
Results motivate us to exceed expectations and expand our horizons. We encourage our students to set realistic goals and establish a strong work ethic to meet their challenges.
Students reach to improve their minds, bodies and spirits. Students also reach out to others with a helping hand
To create an exemplary international community that nurtures each student’s full potential.
To achieve our vision, we will…
- measure success and review learning strategies
embody and encourage our Mission,
Vision and Core Values
Welcome to Springbridge International School

Springbridge International School is an independent, coeducational, Japanese/English or Mandarin/English bilingual school.
Two convenient locations
Preschool & Kindergarten
1625 W. Campbell Ave, Campbell, CA 95008Grades 1-8
1980 Hamilton Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
"This is the school we've been waiting for!"