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Open House November 2, 2024 & January 25, 2025
Campbell Campus (24 months - kindergarten) 9am - 11am
Hamilton Campus (elementary - middle school) 10am - 12pm

Preschool - open year round
Elementary & Middle School - accepting applications for 2023/24

COVID-19 Information Center

COVID-19 Information Center

Springbridge International School COVID-19 Safety Plan

We look forward to all students and staff to safely return for in-person learning. Tele-learning will continue and we invite families to choose whichever option they are most comfortable with.

Our COVID-19 Safety Plan was formulated with the guidance of Capsid Consulting and in accordance with the guidelines set forth by Santa Clara County and CA Dep’t of Health.

Although the Hamilton campus is well ventilated, we have chosen to have classes outdoors for the foreseeable future. We strive to mitigate and limit risk through various layers of safety measures as described in our COVID-19 Safety Plan.

Layers of Safety: Infection and Mitigation Strategies

Our goal is to reduce or eliminate in-school transmission of COVID-19. Each strategy (face coverings, stable groups...) decreases the risk of in-school transmission, but no layer alone is 100% effective. We ask your help in adhering to the combination of layers that have been shown to be most effective in decreasing transmission.

To achieve this goal, we have implemented the following layers of safety protocols:

Face coverings
a. everyone on campus will be required to wear a mask at all times except when eating, drinking or if medically necessary.
b. please send a spare mask in your child’s backpack.

Stable groups (cohorts)
a. a cohort is a group of two or more students from different households They meet for planned activities regularly, may be closer than 6’ for more than 5 minutes, and share an indoor space in which the activity causes interactions less than 6’ apart.
b. cohorts do not enter other cohort areas or co-mingle with other cohorts.
c. only students and staff are allowed on campus (i.e. past the entrance gate or
on the play area).

Drop off and Pickup
1. student dropoff will be drive-through between 8:15 - 8:45 am.
2. parents are to stay in their cars.
3. students will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms by fully vaccinated staff (defined as having concluded the two week period after the second Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccination or single Johnson and Johnson shot).
4. students travel to their cohort area maintaining 6 ‘ distancing.
5. pickup times are staggered by cohort.

  1. Kindergarten & Grade 1 -- 3:10 - 3:25
  2. Grades 2 & 3 -- 3:25 - 3:35
  3. Grades 4 - 8 -- 3:35 - 3:45
6. please display name card (provided by school) at pickup.

Physical distancing
a. each cohort has a designated, outdoor area assigned to only that cohort.
b. students will have snack, lunch and class in their cohort area physically distanced 6’.
c. students will be in cohorts of 15 or fewer students with one teacher.
d. social distancing will be enforced.
e. each student within the cohort will have their own materials and not share with other students.
f. play areas with adequate sunlight and air flow are designated for recess.
g. one cohort only will visit the play area on a staggered schedule.
h. play area items that need cleaning will be cleaned in between cohort use.
i. desks will be situated so as to allow for 6’ distancing.
j. directional pathway indicators have been placed to promote social distancing.

Adequate ventilation
a. all classes will be held outdoors.
b. children will face in one direction during class and activities.
c. inclement weather may cause us to revert to tele-learning.

Hand hygiene and cleaning
a. frequent hand hygiene will be expected of all students and staff.
b. hand sanitizer will be readily available.
c. teachers will be providing instruction and supervision as needed for hand hygiene.
d. restrooms will be used inside the building and cleaned after each cohort’s use.
e. common areas will be regularly cleaned by staff.
f. the entire facility will be COVID-19 cleaned overnight.
g. cleaning products are approved by the CDC.
h. staff have access to cleaning materials to clean as needed.

Symptom and close contact exposure screening, with exclusion from school for staff or students with symptoms or with confirmed close contact
a. every student is screened for COVID-19 symptoms before entering campus.
b. anyone showing COVID-19 symptoms will be quarantined in a specially designated area until parent/spouse pickup. Pick for symptomatic students is expected to be immediate.
c. we have established a series of protocols, in line with county guidance, for how we will respond to different scenarios of staff/student exposure to COVID-19 and/or positive diagnoses.
d. if a need for student quarantine arises, families will be notified that quarantine and/or testing is required, as indicated by the specific situation, and consistent with privacy requirements such as FERPA and HIPAA.
e. families are expected to notify Springbridge if a student is positive or has a known exposure, to assist us in protecting other students.
f. a designated staff person ([email protected]) will send exposure notices and quarantining will follow in accordance with the County guidelines.
g. parents have provided the office with current emergency contact information.
h. those who are sick or with a known exposure will be required to remain at home and tele-learn until the guidelines indicate it is safe for them to return to school.

Please know that the school reserves the right to not accept a note from a doctor and to require either quarantine or a COVID-19 test.

Surveillance or screening testing
a. parents will complete an online COVID-19 symptom survey daily, between 6 am and 8 am.
b. teachers will be COVID-19 tested in accordance with County and Capsid Consulting guidelines.
c. routine scheduled screening is not required at this time as we have now reached the Orange Tier in Santa Clara County.
d. multiple public test sites are now readily available in Santa Clara County should the need for a test arise.

a. as of this writing, over 90% of Springbridge staff and teachers are fully vaccinated to help protect your children.
b. staff have been trained in the above safety measures.
c. teachers will avoid congregating and staff room will remain closed.
d. travel directives and any additional directives as dictated by the State and County will be communicated to the community and enforced.
e. students may participate in 2 cohorts (the school cohort plus one other cohort such as a sports or music group).
f. we strongly encourage students to refrain from participating in activities with non-Springbridge cohorts.
g. parents are invited to be part of the COVID-19 Prevention Team by collaborating with administration to share ideas and solutions.
h. Springbridge will continue to stay in contact with families regarding this Plan, and will provide updates as indicated.
i. we ask that our families reinforce these safety measures with students to ensure consistency.

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